Welcome to LWIS-AiS Library
Our school library is a learning center for our students. The school library program aim to ensure that our students are literate and lifelong learners. This is accomplished, with sufficient funding for resources to support the curriculum and reading with access to materials in traditional and electronic formats, with our love of reading, and with our teachers’ research activities, which support the curriculum.
Credit: Seneca College Libraries
This guide is used/adapted with the permission of Seneca College Libraries. For information please contact [email protected].
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Useful Free Databases
- Oxford Open Provided by Oxford University Press. Around 40 journals available open-access.
- British Library Online Resources Thousands of items from the British Library collection in History, Literature, and Social Studies.
- World Digital Library A project combined by the Library of Congress and UNESCO to give access to thousands of audio materials and photographs related to countries and cultures.
- Refseek Academic search engine. 2 search options: 1 for the web, 1 for documents. Locates only academic information.
- Google Scholar Academic search engine.
- Science Open A research and publishing network.
- PLOS – Public Library of Science Peer reviewed open access science journals in the fields of biology, medicine, genetics, pathogens, computational biology, and tropical diseases.