Circulation Safety
In order to enhance the functionality of the parking and drop off area, and to ensure maximum safety, you are all expected to take the following measures:
- Use the designated walk ways at all times to walk to and from school.
- In case you have extra baggage that requires help, please inform the personnel attending at the gate, and/or you may drive up towards the main gate and drop it off.
- The parking inside the gate at the Upper Campus is assigned for visitors only.
- If you are driving your car up to the main gate and/or someone else is, kindly be patient as parents may be dropping off their children.
- Do not attempt to back up in line and/or against the line.
- Do not overtake other vehicles.
- Drive within a reasonable speed limit even if your way is open.
- Do not double park or block others; if you have to, kindly keep your car keys at the gate.
- Remain calm even if you are right and you have the right of the way.
Bus Safety
Our Mission is to make sure all safety standards are provided and met.
- Provide the transportation office with the necessary information related to the personal section of all bus riders.
- Prepare the bus lists.
- Overlook the routing of all buses.
- Train all bus drivers and bus supervisors.
- Prepare all bus attendance books.
- Make sure all school buses carry the school name and logo, and the bus numbers show clearly on the window.
Parents/Administration association
- The Head of Purchasing and Transportation is in charge of providing all parents with the necessary information to make sure all their concerns are addressed.
- The Head of Non Academic Affairs is in charge of updating the school records in case of changes.
Hygienic Section
- Make sure all buses are washed regularly.
- The Head of Non Academic Affairs provides each bus with garbage bags.
Students’ Responsibilities
- While students wait for the bus, stay away from traffic.
- Avoid rough play or other careless behavior.
- Do not wander onto parking areas, walk ways.
- Use the seat belt at all times.
- When the school bus approaches, get ready and wait until the bus has stopped and the door opens before approaching the bus.
- Before entering the bus, remove your backpacks and carry them by hand.
- Upon entering the bus, find a seat and remain seated.
- Do not distract the bus driver with loud talking or shouting.
- Place you backpacks in your lap or under the seat.
- Do not put your head, arms, or hands out the window.
- Keep the aisles free of clutter.
- Do not put books and bags in the aisles since they may be tripping hazards in an emergency.
- Before reaching a stop, prepare to exit the bus by getting your belongings together.
- Wait for the bus to stop completely before getting up from the seat.
- If you need to cross the street in front of the bus, you should walk at least 3 meters ahead of the bus along the side of the road, until you can turn around and see the driver.
- Wait for a signal from the driver before crossing the street.
- When the driver signals, walk across the street, keeping an eye out for sudden traffic changes.
- Do not cross the center line of the road until the driver has signaled that it is safe to continue.
- Stay clear of the bus wheels at all times.
- Sit in the allocated seats by the supervisor.
- Behave and act within limits.
- Once you get to school, go directly to your playground or class. You are not permitted to remain in the bus stop area waiting for friends.
- Make sure the insurance policy is up to date.
- Have emergency kits on all buses.
- Have fire extinguishers on all buses.
- Run the safety checklist routine in all buses.
- Make sure students do not walk around the parking area before all buses are in full stop position.
- Make sure that all preschoolers and elementary students are accompanied to the buses.
- Everyone is expected to follow the rules stated in the student section.
Daily routine
- Meet with bus supervisors to discuss any issues when needed.
- Make sure all drivers and supervisors maintain the proper dress code and hygiene level.
- Make sure all buses run for service of fuel and other needs when unattended by students.
Bus drivers must:
- drive safely at all times.
- try not to change the regular routing, unless necessity as this may create discomfort for the students.
- not drink alcohol at any time until the last shift is over.
- not smoke is not permitted on the bus.
- make sure the fuel tank is full before you they pick up the children.
- If at any time they feel the bus needs tune up, or they are uncomfortable about either part, no matter how minimal or not dangerous in their opinion it might be, drivers must not attempt to run the bus at all
- In case the bus fails to start or you face any problems during their trip, drivers should inform the office at once and then proceed with solutions.
- do not transport the children with private vehicles.
- not move students to another vehicle without authorization.
- not leave the bus unattended, while the children are on board.
- not leave the keys in the ignition at any time unless if they are sitting in the driver’s seat.
- not leave the bus doors open at any time.
- not allow students to leave the bus and call others from homes.
- not allow strangers on the bus while transporting the students.
- make sure buses are clean at all times.
- be in charge of the bus cleanliness and maintenance.
- shave, shower, brush their teeth and use deodorant daily.
- wear socks and shoes; ” no sandals” are permitted.
The bus supervisor must:
- sit parallel to the door with the students.
- provide help for the students to go on and off the bus.
- plan the seating arrangement for the students according to their routing.
- take action in case of behavior problems.
- report any problem at once to the Head of Non Academic Affairs.
- abide by all safety rules.
- make sure to maintain the dress code regulation and the hygienic standards.
- be patient.
- help prevent conflict between and among students.
Evacuation Steps and Fire Safety Measures
Students must evacuate if:
- alarm bell rings.
- informed by teacher in class or on duty: e.g. if fire/emergency has caused the electric system to break down: Staff will be sent to all areas of the school with a message to evacuate.
Students must:
- follow teachers’ directions.
- move in silence.
- move in single line BY THE WALL out of designated exits of building.
- not to go to the lockers or use the restrooms.
- inform staff on duty if they suspect any missing friends.
- gather at the “back” of the designated area to permit the movement of others along the path with safety.
- once in final location, remain with their group to facilitate the attendance.
- be gathered in rows of 5, in a way to allow the teachers to circulate around their groups.
During Recess
Should an evacuation occur during a break time, again the alarm/bell will ring continuously in the playground.
- Students are to move in the playground to the areas previously designated.
- Teachers should meet their students in the appropriate places and check that all students are present.
- Maintenance staff should proceed to their responsibilities
- Floor wardens should proceed with their duties and make sure all students have evacuated the building and closed all doors and windows.
- Teachers are asked to use their judgment to decide if they need to take charge, whether they are assigned or not.
Once students and staff evacuate and leave a building, they may not re-enter until authorized to do so.
Evacuation Steps and Earthquake Safety Measures
What to Do in Case of Earthquakes
If an earthquake strikes, every person must remain calm and take appropriate actions in order to minimize damage.
Action Taken for Earthquakes
Remember to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.”
To ensure physical safety
- remain calm and move away from furniture, glass windows, and light fixtures.
- seek shelter under a sturdy desk or table.
- put out any immediate fires and shut off the main circuit breaker.
- secure an escape route.
- keep the door open to ensure a clear exit.
- obtain accurate information from TV or radio.
When evacuating
- do not rush out of the building; watch out for falling objects.
- evacuate on foot
- carry basic necessities if possible.
- watch for aftershocks.
Evacuation Steps and Lock-down Safety Measures
If an intrusion, civil unrest, or any unexpected event with immediate safety implications takes place, announce a lock-down through the PA system or by utilizing the school bell in a specified manner.
Reasons for a lock-down to be initiated
- An out of control student or staff member who is a threat to the safety of our students, staff, or himself/herself
- Someone who has a gun or weapon
- An intruder (could be an attempted kidnapping)
- Hazardous chemical outside the building
- A weather related event
Persons who can call a lock-down
- School Personnel
- Law Enforcement
Principal will remain with the students and teachers. The Principal and Heads of Sections (or floor wardens) would communicate via the walkie-talkie or mobile phones to make critical decisions while the students are locked down.
Classroom teachers are to
- Glance outside the room to direct any students or staff members in the hall into the room immediately.
- Bolt all doors with furniture or lock the door (only the teacher is privy to knowing the key location).
- Close the windows and curtains.
- Look for the safe corner.
- Turn out lights and fans, and computer monitors.
- Teachers and students should lie on the floor, preferably under desks or anything providing protection and should move away from windows. Students and teachers are to remain on the floor until further instructions are given.
- Or place students against the wall, so that the intruder cannot see them looking in the door if the door has a window in it.
- Keep students quiet.
- Student mobile phones should remain turned off.
- Staff mobile phones should be set to silent.
- No one is to answer the door under any circumstances.
- Remain in this position until “all clear” is announced.
- After the “all clear” is sounded, the Principal can authorize the contacting of parents, if appropriate.
Students and all employees should remain at their location if they are inside a classroom, office, or any designated area.
Students and all employees that are present outside a covered area should immediately go to the nearest classroom or designated area.
N.B. Bolt all doors with furniture or lock where feasible.
Health and Safety Policy during COVID-19
Bus Procedures
- All students’ temperatures will be taken and recorded.
- Students will be seated in their designated places.
- Bags and supplies will be placed next to them.
All buses:
- will run at 50% capacity.
- will be sanitized twice a day.
- will have sanitizers available.
- Have thermometers to check students’ temperatures.
- Will have an assigned seat for every student.
Students must:
- wear their masks at all times (For extra safety, students may wear shields on top of their masks.)
- not eat or drink on the bus.
- respect social distancing at all times.
On Campus Procedures
Students must:
- come down from the bus one at a time.
- have their temperatures taken before coming in.
- respect social distancing at all times.
Students must:
- be asked to sanitize their hands.
- enter the bus one student at a time.
- sit in their designated places.
- (Car students) leave campus upon the arrival of their private transportation.
During the School Day
Students must:
- wear their masks at all times (For extra safety, students may wear shields on top of their masks.) Please note that wearing a shield alone is not acceptable.
- sanitize their hands or wash them regularly.
- respect social distancing at all times.
- have assigned seats.
- have their own supplies. No supplies will be shared (hand sanitizers/alcohol/stationery).
- be periodically asked to keep their area clean and sanitized.
- have their breaks in classes.
- have their books next to them (Lockers will not be utilized in any way.).
- bring their own packaged food (The cafeteria will be closed and no vending machines are available.).
- not play contact sports.
Parents and visitors are not allowed to visit the students’ areas. They may request an appointment to come to the administration office.
Parental Reminders
Students should not come to school:
- if they have a temperature of 37.5 and above.
- if they have a cough.
- if they have a runny nose.
- If they lose their sense of taste or smell.
- if they have been in contact with anyone who was tested positive for COVID-19 (until they have tested negative).
Note: Please remind your child to sanitize his/her hands frequently and especially before touching his/her face.
If students are suspected to have COVID-19, they will be moved to an isolation room, and parents will be notified to come pick up their child.
The school will be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Visuals will be posted around campus to remind students of the necessary hygiene methods, and classrooms will observe social distancing when making seating assignments.
1) The above rules and regulations may be adjusted according to changes in the coronavirus in the country.
2) A student who does not wear his/her mask and insists on removing it while in the company of others will be sent home without any prior warning.